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How much will an investigation cost?


One of the most frequent questions we are asked is: “How much will it cost?”  We wish we could give a definite answer to this, but there are too many variables for that to be possible.  We bill by the hour, not on a flat fee basis, and costs vary depending on the number and complexity of the issues, the number of witnesses to be interviewed, and the amount of evidence that needs to be reviewed.



How long will it take and how many people will be interviewed?


One of the things that distinguish a competent and experienced investigator from a novice is the ability to determine what needs to be investigated, what is superfluous, and how to get to the core issues efficiently.   Our goal is to do everything necessary to efficiently conduct a thorough investigation.   We will efficiently analyze the allegations and evidence and avoid unnecessary financial and workplace impact.


Why should I hire an external investigator instead of simply using someone inside my company to do it?


Many complaints can be investigated by a competent and experienced internal human resource professional.  However, not all entities have such a person. Even if a qualified in-house investigator is available, it can be advisable to use an outside investigator if the complaint is by or against an individual with more authority than the internal investigator, if the internal investigator has any perceived or actual biases related to the complaint, or if other circumstances would make it difficult for an internal investigator to maintain objectivity or independence. As well, it is often a better practice to have an outside investigator handle complaints that will likely go to litigation.



Will I receive a written report of the investigation?


In nearly all of our investigations we produce a written report and, at the request of the client, will also prepare an executive summary of the investigation and findings.  The report will set out the complaint, response, information gathered from witnesses and documents, and the findings, including the reasoning for the findings.  Our findings are usually factual findings rather than legal or policy findings.


Does every workplace complaint necessitate an investigation?


No, not every complaint necessitates an investigation. One way we answer the question as to whether an investigation is necessary is by asking: “Are there allegations that, if true, would mean there was a violation of rules, laws, policies, important workplace expectations, or ethics?”  If so, and if you don’t have enough information without an investigation to determine what has happened, someone needs to investigate.  The investigation should tell the employer what has happened so that the employer can properly apply its rules to the situation at hand. Once it is determined whether allegations pertain to significant violations of rules or laws, the issues and scope of the investigation can be set.




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